A simpler life with Billo. Here's how it works!

Everything in one place
Let's get straight to the point. If you want to receive digital post from companies and authorities in Sweden as an individual, there are only two digital mailboxes: Billo and Kivra. With Billo, you get a mailbox on your phone where all your post ends up. And when we say all post, we mean all post. Government post, business post... yes, even your physical post! More about that a bit further down.

Government post
When you get Billo, all digital post from authorities, municipalities, and county councils will end up in your Billo app. Super convenient! This could be important things from, for example, Skatteverket, Försäkringskassan, and CSN. Or an appointment with the doctor.

Physical post
Perhaps this is where we stand out the most from our competition? With our unique service All Post, you also get your physical post on your mobile!
But how does this lifehack work? We help you register a special postal address with Skatteverket that directs your post to Billo. This obviously doesn’t affect your registered residential address, but simply changes where companies and authorities send your physical post. This is added to the Swedish SPAR register (the government’s personal address register), which most major companies update regularly – but not all. Typically, it takes 3-8 weeks before most of your physical post starts arriving at Billo’s Digicenter, where it is digitized. If you want to get started faster, you can always contact your senders yourself and hand them your new special postal address.

Fast payments

Bills can make life complicated. Since Billo makes life easier, we’ve developed what might be the fastest payment solution on the market! By linking your bank account, you can pay multiple bills at once in just a few seconds, directly from your phone. You can also choose to pay with a credit card, maximizing all your card’s benefits.

We believe safety makes life simpler. That’s why we constantly work to make Billo as secure as possible for you. This has led to us being authorized by the Agency for Digital Government (Digg) to distribute digital post to individuals – while also being licensed by Finansinspektionen (Sweden’s financial supervisory authority). We are the only company in Sweden who can say this! And of course, you easily and securely log in to Billo with BankID or Freja eID.

Do you handle all the post in your household? Or maybe helping out a relative? With Billo, it’s easier than ever to share your mailbox with loved ones! It also works for legal guardians.